ur curriculum is like the secret recipe to the best cake in the world. It was written and developed by the innovative physical education specialist, Mgr Lubos Rubcik Phd, vice-dean of the Comenius University of Physical Education in Slovakia. Program for toddlers was developed in cooperation with educated teachers, psychologists and physiotherapists.

igHugGym also uses corrective methods and unique exercises which positively effect a child‘s kinetic mechanism. Clinical research has proven the great importance of utilizing special educational equipment that offer a high coefficient of improvement and stabilization in a child‘s movements.

t does not matter whether your child achieves their first big steps by crossing the mat, or their first time doing a Cartwheel, or even a “Somersault”, there is always a reason for celebration in BigHugGym.

ecause of our special educational gymnastic program, combined with our research-based, personalized learning program focused on fun, physical activities to build essential skills for school and life, we are convinced that the more time you spend with us, the more happy and motivated your children will be.